
2019-03-05 21:39

核燃料的使用可导致不受管制的放射性同位素排放对健康造成重大威胁;包括氪、氙、氩和氚,可能对周围和附近地区的居民造成长期的身体伤害。由于核工业认为这些特定的放射性元素在生物学上是无关紧要的,所以这些释放是不受管制的。如果广泛采用核能的使用,放射性废料的运输和储存也可能成为一个全球安全问题。一个全新的、具有潜在灾难性的维度将被添加到全球安全中,为恐怖主义袭击故意创建新的、可能脆弱的目标。虽然发达国家能够维持合理的安全水平,但发展中国家的情况可能并非如此,因为较弱的管理制度可能导致严重的危险;看看切尔诺贝利和三里岛事件中不同管理制度在灾害控制方面的效力的变化。核扩散仍然是一个重大问题。美国计划继续向印度出售武器级核燃料,用于发电。印度是《不扩散核武器条约》(nuclear Proliferation Treaty)的非签署国,而且有秘密制造核武器的历史。如果是今天的印度,巴基斯坦会远远落后吗?有能力制造原子弹的巴基斯坦获得生产浓缩铀的中间商“黄饼”的前景,是一种可怕的想法;这足以让发达国家脊梁上的人不寒而栗。
The use of nuclear fuel can lead to significant health threats from the unregulated emission of radioactive isotopes; which include Krypton, Xenon, Argon and Tritium and could cause long term physical harm to residents in surrounding and nearby areas. These releases are unregulated because the nuclear industry considers these particular radioactive elements to be biologically inconsequential. The transportation and storage of radioactive waste could also become a global security problem, if the use of nuclear energy is adopted on a wide basis. A completely new and potentially catastrophic dimension would be added to global security with the deliberate creation of new and potentially vulnerable targets for terrorist strikes. While the advanced nations would be able to shore up reasonable levels of security the same may not be true of the developing countries where weaker management systems could lead to grave risks; witness the variation in the effectiveness of different management systems in disaster control in the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island episodes.Nuclear proliferation remains a major issue. The USA is planning to go ahead with the selling of weapons grade nuclear fuel to India, (a non signatory to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and a country with a history of surreptitious manufacture of nuclear weapons) for use in power generation. If it is India today, can Pakistan be far behind? The prospect of an atomic bomb capable Pakistan getting access to Yellow Cake, an intermediary for the production of enriched uranium, is a frightful thought; enough to send shivers down the spine of the developed world.