America Assignment代写:医疗保险规定

2017-02-13 09:49

这个主题已经研究了使用一些不同的来源。例如,数据库提供了丰富的信息,对于被征收的个体户医疗保险规定的性质。两个引用的文章涉及的问题,从具体的观点有助于揭示一些问题在手如何这些业主都通过严格的医疗保险制度直接影响投资人的观点,这对他们和他们的员工,这将是最好的行动为大家参与使这项工作有什么影响(Landrieu,2009)。 选择其他的文章写在客观的角度,说明个体户挣扎的性质,他们多么渴望为他们的工人提供足够的医疗保险,但不能这样做因为它不扣税。一些相关的事实和统计数据也被利用在所有被引用的出版物,以探讨这个问题的影响,并评估其影响。 这些文章提供了一些定量的统计接地,在此基础上得出一些结论。同时,大部分对手的研究都是定性的。为了遏制使用定性方法的局限性,我们必须利用定量部分尽可能多的这些资源允许。 虽然现有的资源并不能完全解决这个问题,所有的作家都接近保险部门和小企业承诺提供一些有价值的见解的问题,从定性和定量的方法。

America Assignment代写:医疗保险规定

This topic has been researched using a number of different sources. For instance, ProQuest provides an abundance of information regarding the nature of the health insurance regulations that are being imposed on sole-proprietors. Two of the cited articles addressed the issue specifically from the sole-proprietor's point of view which helps to shed some light on the issue on hand as to how these owners are directly affected by stringent health insurance regulations, what impact it has on both them and their employees and what would be the best course of action to take to make this work for everyone involved (Landrieu, 2009).
The other article chosen was written in an objective point of view, stating the struggling nature of sole-proprietors, how they long to provide adequate health insurance for their workers but cannot manage to do so since it is not tax deductible. Some pertinent facts and statistics are also utilized in all of the cited publications in order to explore the effects of this issue and evaluate their implications.
These articles do provide some quantitative statistical grounding, based on which some conclusions can be drawn. At the same time, most of the research on hand will be qualitative. In order to curb the limitations inherent to using the qualitative method exclusively, we must utilize the quantitative part as much as these resources allow.
While the resources available won't solve the problem once and for all, the closeness of all the writers to both the insurance sector and to the small businesses promises to provide some valuable insight on the issue, from a both qualitative and quantitative approach.
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