阿尔伯塔代写Assignment 人力战略优势

2017-01-19 11:24

阿尔伯塔代写Assignment 企业可以实现战略优势的人力资源策略,只有它可以最适合或整合工作。一体化,企业可以努力,可以在垂直的水平,该组织将调整其人力资源的做法,包括招聘、选拔、培训、发展、激励和绩效管理根据业务策略的企业追求组织(层1995)。另一方面,该组织也将需要寻找横向整合的人力资源实践之间的一致性将通过追求战略被认为是优越的商业组织。这样的策略水平和垂直整合将导致增加在收入方面,组织的业绩盈利能力和市场份额,增加公司的竞争力,为组织将能够吸引和留住高级人才产生竞争优势的企业组织。
考虑到,在提出的观点(2010),一个组织,最大限度地利用其人力资源战略提供人力资源经理在组织在组织的战略规划过程中的一个关键的作用,可以有效利用其人才。然而,笔者所提出的观点也有不同的功能。例如,作者完全忽略了外部环境因素对企业组织和企业竞争优势的作用。考虑到Michael Porter提出的观点(1980),有人可能会争辩说,由商业机构所拥有的竞争优势取决于五股力量,包括现有的市场参与者的竞争,新进入者的威胁、供应商的讨价还价能力、替代品的威胁力量的买家和议价能力。受这些因素影响最小的组织具有更好的竞争优势和组织,在这五个因素缺乏长期遭受。

阿尔伯塔代写Assignment 人力战略优势

Inyang (2010) has pointed out that a business organization could accomplish the strategic advantage through its human resources strategies only if it could work for best fit or integration. The integration that the firm could work towards could be on the vertical level where the organization will align its HR practices including recruitment, selection, training, development, and motivation and performance management according to the business strategies pursued by the business organization  (Storey, 1995). On the other hand, the organization will also be required to look for horizontal integration where the congruence among HR practices will be accomplished by pursuing strategies that are considered superior by the business organization. Such vertical and horizontal integration of strategies will result in boosting the organization's performance in terms of revenue, profitability, and market share, increasing the firm's competitiveness as the organization will be in position to attract and retain superior human talent resulting in competitive advantage for the business organization.
Taking into consideration, the view presented by the Inyang (2010), an organization that optimally utilize its HR strategies by giving the HR manager within an organization a key role in the organization's strategic planning process could optimally utilize its human talent. However, the view presented by the author also suffers from different dysfunctions. For example, the author has completely ignored the role of external environmental factors over the business organization and the competitive advantage possessed by a business firm. Taking into consideration the view presented by Michael Porter (1980), one may argue that the competitive advantage possessed by a business organization is dictated by the five forces that include rivalry amongst existing market player, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers and threat of substitute power. Organizations that are minimally affected by such factors possessed better competitive advantage and organizations that are deficient in terms of these five factors suffer in the long-run.